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These table decorations are very simple to make and you can adapt them for any occasion. Using different sized saucers and oasis you can make long ones, short ones and even ball shaped decorations using the same method.

How to Make a Quick Christmas Table Decoration Video

Collecting the greenery can be difficult, you can use short sprigs from any flowering shrub or evergreen that you can find. Variegated shrubs add interest to the display and for brightness pop in some berries, these can be from any shrub and if the leaves don’t look quite so attractive simply remove them and insert the stem with just the berries attached.

In the video we used variegated Yew, Euonymus and Holly. For the berries we used Pyracantha and Holly. We placed a tea light in the middle but any candle can be used depending on the size of the decoration, ensure that the candle is pushed well into the oasis to prevent it from toppling over.

These great little decorations can last for at least three weeks, just make sure the oasis doesn’t dry out.



Read our posts on: Hyacinths at Christmas and Poinsettias Christmas and Beyond

