When Can I Move Snowdrops?

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Snowdrops are fantastic little flowerers when all is dull and grey in January. Why not increase your snowdrop colony by dividing a few, or even asking a friend if you could steal a few to start your own.

There is much talk about when to move snowdrops. We have tried many different ways, in the spring, summer and winter. Without doubt, the most successful has been just after flowering “in the green”.

Using a spade, gently dig deep into the soil (about 6-8 inches), around the plants and gently ease them up as a clump. Either replant in a new spot or gently prize the clump apart into small groups and replant. Try not to individualise the bulbs too much as the least amount of disturbance is best.

Settle in your new planting with a good watering and next January will look a little brighter!
