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Although some of us less hardy gardeners might be tucked up inside in the thick of winter reluctant to go out in the cold. We will probably spend quite sometime looking through the window, hoping that our tender plants, pond and precious non frost proof pots make it through the winter. We have put together a few tips on how to protect your garden through the worst of the winter.

Protecting Your Garden in Winter

  1. Cover outside taps with an old sheet wrapped in a plastic bag to prevent the pipes freezing and bursting in a thaw.
  2. Put tennis balls in your pond to keep the water moving to help prevent it from freezing. When the temperatures really drop and the pond does freeze, the tennis balls can be removed to allow stale air produced from the pond to escape.
  3. Buy protective fleece from the Garden Centre to wrap your tender plants in. This includes tree ferns and succulents. Golden and variegated plants are more susceptible to the cold, particularly Pittosporums. ­­­­­­­­
  4. Shoots of Penstemons can be tender and may have put on some growth in the warm weather. You could lay a fleece over these.
  5. Move any precious pots you have closer to the house, move into the greenhouse or shed as they may not be frost resistant. Unprecedented wet weather will have caused water ingress which can cause cracking if then frozen.

Dealing with Snow

Snow can be exceptionally heavy if it manages to settle.

  1. Be vigilant to remove it from your greenhouse roof with a soft broom.
  2. Conifers can catch the snow and this can bend the branches out. Knock the snow off as you are passing.
  3. Remember to feed the birds

Not only can plants suffer in this weather, it can also be a more tricky time to be out. Be careful in icy conditions and once you have protected your garden hole up inside and read: Tips on Hyacinths at Christmas, plan your garden for next summer or watch this video on How to make a Christmas Table Decoration.

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Should I Heat my Greenhouse?

Greenhouses are a great way to overwinter plants, bring on cuttings or sow seeds to get a head start in the garden. There are plenty of options when considering which greenhouse heater you should choose. Read our latest post on The Best Greenhouse Heaters to choose for your situation.

Winter Interest Planting Ideas

  • Teasel
  • Cornus
  • Hamamelis
  • Sarcococca
  • Clematis cirrhosa
  • Carex
  • Chimonanthus praecox

Vegetables for Winter Planting

  • Carrot
  • Autumn planting of onions or shallots
  • Spring onions
  • Perpetual spinach
  • Peas
  • Broad Beans