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Weeds in lawns are the easiest weeds to kill! The most effective way to kill lawn weeds is to use a selective weed killer. This is a clever weed killer. It knows that your grass has a single leaf (monocot) therefore it will kill everything that is not grass (dicot). So remember to be a little bit careful that you don’t venture off the lawn and catch an overhanging leaf from your border!

How to Kill Weeds without Killing Grass

Simply mix the selective weed killer with water in a sprayer and spray your lawn, it’s that simple! If there are not too many weeds or just the odd patch of clover you can spot-treat these without having to spray the whole lawn.

If you have a lawn larger than 80sqm, it might be worth buying a larger backpack sprayer. It is easier to walk, spray and pump with the added benefit of not having to keep returning to a tap to refill the sprayer. When spraying a lawn of this size it can help to walk up and down the lawn in lines, as if you were mowing. That way you won’t miss any lawn weeds or weeds you have already sprayed.

Verdone Selective Weed Killer is no longer available.  Weedol Lawn Weed Killer is available and it’s even more effective.

Tips for Killing Weeds in Lawns

  • It is always good practice to feed your lawn after spraying a selective weed killer. This will help strengthen the grass while the chemical is active Read our Guide on Lawn Fertiliser.
  • Two days after spraying, the weeds will actually start to grow! However, as they grow they will twist, curl and start to look quite pale. Within a week to 10 days, the weeds will wither and die.
  • Mix some grass seed with ordinary potting compost and sprinkle over areas where the weeds are dying out. You can also use this method for bare patches in your lawn. The compost helps the seed to germinate. Remember to keep the compost moist.

Killing other Weeds Selectively

Other Monocots include iris, bamboo, orchids and ornamental grasses. If you have a number of weeds amongst these monocots, you can use a selective weed killer successfully, without damaging the plants.

  • Monocot – strappy leafed plants
  • Dicot – everything on the planet except monocots!